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Effective Cleaning and Sterilisation of Equipment

Handling Heavy Contamination

When dealing with heavy, visible contamination on equipment, it is essential to clean the contamination thoroughly before placing it in any sterilisation machine. Sterilisation machines are not designed to remove heavy contamination, and if it is not removed, it may become a potential source of further contamination.

Using Ultrasonic Cleaners

Ultrasonic cleaners must be operated according to the manufacturer's instructions to ensure optimal performance. Take time to read the instructions carefully and consult the supplier if you have any questions about the unit. Always keep the lid or cover in place during operation to ensure effective cleaning. Instruments should be placed in an appropriately sized basket to maximise cleaning efficiency.

To enhance the effectiveness of the ultrasonic cleaner, consider using a low-foaming surfactant or detergent, which helps to reduce excessive foaming. Regularly clean the ultrasonic cleaner according to the manufacturer's recommendations to prevent a build-up of dirt and maintain efficiency.

Steam Sterilisation

Steam sterilisation is a rapid, easy-to-use, and non-toxic method for effective cleaning. Standard benchtop steam sterilisers are suitable for items that are non-hollow, non-tubular, and non-porous, such as fabrics. Ensure that items are not wrapped before sterilisation.

For hollow or tubular items, use a steriliser that includes forced air removal and is validated for these types of items. Steam sterilisers are classified as pressure vessels and must undergo regular safety checks under the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000.

Post-Sterilisation Storage

After sterilisation, it is crucial to store items correctly to avoid re-contamination. Always adhere to your workplace policies and practices to ensure proper sterilisation and storage with the machinery available in your environment.

Maintenance and Record-Keeping

Maintain accurate records of the maintenance and operation of any sterilisation equipment. Proper documentation is essential for ensuring the reliability and safety of the sterilisation processes.